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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Slip and Slide

We were headed over to Monticello about five this evening to go see Mort and Nicole's new baby, when a turn of events occured that could have been deadly. As we were coming out of the Devils Canyon dip, we began to slip and slide and for an instance I could tell Tanner felt it was something we could easily come out of, but..... we didn't. Luckily Tanner knew how to somewhat control the wheel without us over correcting, but it was still so scary. This is the first time I have ever been in a situation where I have felt completely powerless. Its so wierd because it all happened so fast, and yet it was the longest 10 seconds of my life, realizing that the next moments could be fatal for Tanner and I, but more importantly our sleeping babies in the back seat. I keep replaying it in my mind over and over and over again. When Tanner knew that it was officially out of his control to recover us from hydroplaning, you could tell that he was devastated for our family's sake. It will be engraven into my mind forever the way he told me, "I'm so sorry babe," as it was happening. I know Tanner's heart and I know that it was aching something fierce knowing that it was likely that our children could be severely injured or even killed. "I'm so sorry babe".... He looked back at Pearce and Parx as he said that to me. This is a man that genuinely cares for his family. He genuinely cares about his wife, who happens to be me. Although it was scary looking into the unknown of the next couple seconds, I have never felt so protected. I felt a jolt of love envelop our entire car, especially after the storm had calmed and we realized we were still alive and our beautiful boys had slept thru the entire kerfuffle. I know with certainty that we were watched over today by a loving Father, but I also sense a great deal that this was mean't to be a lesson for both Tanner and I, but especially me as I justify my food addiction on a daily basis. I recieved conformation from God that Tanner loves me enough to try and save my life and my babies lives, and that Jesus Christ truly will make up the difference if I just try. I use the addiction to make up for my losses instead of relying on the Savior of the World. I think its time.

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