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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Day 2 - January 15th: Wow, my tastebuds thank you Bell Pepper!

Breakfast: 1 serving plain cherrios with 1% milk, orange slices, a couple almonds, 1 glass of water. Lunch: 1 apple, a couple walnuts, Bell pepper slices, cucumber slices. Dinner: 1 c. multigrain pasta with ICBINB Butter mixed with cooked kale and 1/2 c. black beans, diced tomatoes; Large Romaine salad with carrots Note: The salad (especially considering the size) really curbed my appetite eating the pasta. The pasta was delicious & normally I would want more, but like I said, I didn't crave it! Thoughts: (Note to self) 11:00 a.m. IT FELT SO MUCH BETTER TO WAKE UP REFRESHED from eating healthy all day yesterday, as opposed to binge eating on non nutrient foods all day just to go to bed and wake up not refreshed. GOD GAVE US FOOD TO REPAIR OUR BODIES AND MOST IMPORTANTLY OUR MINDS. Think of food as fuel, instead of as a coping mechanism. 5:45 p.m. I just bit into a fresh bell pepper and my taste buds were ignited! They reacted with extreme gusto! It was so good and it saddens me to say that it been a while since I've had a reaction to a vegetable like that ;)

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