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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Finding solace amongst chaos

12:15 p.m. Just got home from picking Pearce up from preschool. Its a nice day so he is asking me to play with him out in the snow. I can't cuz baby is crying and needs me inside. 12:18 p.m. We are in the house now. I'm looking for something for Pearce to do online, color or do puzzles because he keeps saying, "Play with me, play with me!" over and over again. I put the baby in the swing but he's wiggling.... oh hes getting ready to cry... oh where the hell is the binky... oh here it is. Thank goodness. Ok why isn't this game loading? The baby isn't having it in the swing, he wants me to pick him up. Ok, I am holding him now. Is he hungry? No, hes still spitting up from last time. Does need a diaper change? (Looking...) No, not wet or poopy. Ok, I can do this..."Mom, I want to play a game, where is my game?!" "I'm working on it Pearce." Squirmy baby, squirmy baby. "Mom I'm hungrrry!" Cryyyying baby please don't hate me!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahhahahhahahahahahha.... Yes indeed, that is the sinister laugh of a mad person. ;) 12:45 p.m. Just ate lunch. (Overate to be exact) I am sitting down now. I'm watching Pocahontas with Pearce. I'm super stirred up inside.... I shouldn't be sitting down, there is alot to do. I'm still hungry. Breathe Emma. Just calm down. Thinking, calming down, watching Pocahontas. I forgot how much I like this movie. Oh look at Pearce, he loves this..... 12:50 p.m. Still watching Pocahontas with Pearce. NOT HUNGRY ANYMORE.

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